Saturday, November 1, 2008

November: Supermarket Free Zone

My husband David had an idea yesterday that went something like this: "Lets not go to the supermarket anymore".

The idea seemed a bit extreme at first and I immediately started thinking about all the reasons why I NEED to go to the supermarket. But actually, I don't need to. So I agreed and we made a pact. Our challenge to ourselves:

* No shopping in supermarkets at all for the month of November *

Why? Well it should help to move us towards a few goals that we have talked about for years but for some reason we have avoided doing much about. Apparently our good intentions have done very little so we are going to try shocking ourselves into action instead.

Staying out of the supermarkets should help us to:
- Stay motivated with growing our own fruit and veggies
- Eat more organic food
- Eat more "whole foods"
- Eat less prepackaged convenience foods with their high fat/sugar/salt content, low nutrition and mysterious additives
- Generate less waste
- Support local small business
- Avoid contributing to our consumerist culture and giving money to greedy, unethical businesses

I am sure we can do this, and I don't think it is going to be hard at all.

So now I am off to the organic fruit and veg shop down the road, then to Bin-Inn to buy some lentils, nuts etc. Then its home to don my trusty gardening gloves and dig in some more compost. Sounds like a wonderful adventure! Why didn't we commit to doing this before?

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