Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hooray for Ghent!

Have you heard about this? The Belgian town of Ghent encouraging it's citizens to go meat free for one day per week.

I want to move to Ghent! Not only because it is showing some leadership on this very important issue but also because it is gorgeous! Good work on the part of the city council - great for the environment and lots of free publicity!

Here is a link to a good article on my favorite news story this week if you want to read more. I have been a bit irritated by some of the news stories getting side tracked and focusing on an "animal lovers" approach to vegetarianism an ignoring the crucial point that this is a serious environmental issue.

I love this:
"You could say, 'Better a vegetarian in a four-wheel drive than a meat-eater in a hybrid car,' but nothing beats a vegetarian on a bicycle," the website said.

1 comment:

Iain said...

It's also cool because 'Ghent' sounds like the name of a place that Douglas Adams made up.