Sunday, January 11, 2009

Exercise Update

6/11 so far.

I am already feeling a little fitter and find that it takes less of an effort to motivate myself to exercise. By that I mean that when it is an exercise day, I just go ahead and exercise. I am not going through the internal debate, with its oh-so-plausible excuses, about whether or not to exercise. I also don't "forget" to exercise as I am pre-planning when to exercise and what exercise I will do.

I am determined to keep this up and make sure that regular exercise becomes a life long habit for me.

Here is a link to the good old Mayo Clinic web site for a very simple article entitled:
"Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity". The benefits include a sparkier sex-life!
It is not referenced but seems like it might be a good patient handout to have on hand.

In NZ we have access to the "Green Prescription" program. Although I am embarrassed to say that I have only referred patients to the program occasionally.

A study published in the BMJ about the Green Prescription program concluded that:
"Counselling patients in general practice on exercise is effective in increasing physical activity and improving quality of life over 12 months."

Needless to say I will be thinking about this a lot more this week at work. I am going to try and get at least 5 patients, who could really benefit from a Green Prescription, to accept a referral to this program this month.

Unfortunately I have not had much time yet this month to research exercise. Between work, entertaining an 11 year old nephew, reading and of course exercise, I am feeling (as usual) that I could do with an extra hour or two each day.
The other areas that I want to look into soon include:
- the evidence behind the benefits of regular exercise
- how much exercise is needed to attain these benefits
- the specific benefits of different types of exercise.

Well, I am about to get off my butt and go exercise. I respectfully suggest that you do the same, if you have not done so already today.

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